Trade #1
Pretty simple trade here. I know Legacy is starting to become more and more popular around town and one of the better decks in the format is Fish. So when I see staples like Lord of Atlantis sitting in binders I tend to pick them up on the cheap.
My (2.23)
- 1x Crystal Ball - .49
- 1x Aether Adept - .25
- 1x Cancel - Promo - 1.49
His (3.99)
- 1x Lord of Atlantis - 3.99
Net (+1.76)
Trade #2
EDH is big at the local shop, so my random rare pile will get raided every once and awhile and I'm able to pick up old super commons and uncommons like Kitchen Finks for some random dollar rare. Unfortunatly most EDH players tend to keep their better cards in their decks and not out on the trade tables.
My (1.25)
- 1x Shizo, Death's Storehouse - 1.25
His (3.49)
- 1x Kitchen Finks - 3.49
Net (+2.24)
Trade #3
Another little EDH trade. My Chords have been sitting around after the last Extended season when I played Elves! but since then they haven't done much for me.
My (1.49)
- 1x Chord of Calling - 1.49
His (4.49)
- 1x Birds of Paradise - 4.49
Net (+3.00)
Trade #4
So there's a new guy around the shop and hasn't gotten a whole lot on him to trade away for the stuff he needs. He was attempting Mono-W and I told him to go looking through my binder for anything that he liked. The thing with new players when trading is you don't want to rummage through their stuff and say "Nah, you ain't got nothin' I want." Instead try and find even super commons or uncommons to try and make nice. That way when the guy wants to try a different build or color he's not going to go to just anyone but the guy who hooked him up in the first place.
My (3.99)
- 2x Armament Master - .75
- 1x Honor of the Pure - 2.49
His (7.96)
- 2x Lightning Bolt - 1.49
- 2x Merfolk Soverign - Foil - 2.49
Net (+3.97)
Trade #5
Gideons will go up, I have no doubts on that. How much depends on Scars of Mirrodin. The fact that all the cheap Planeswalker removal is rotating means that a 'Walker that comes out and protects Jace and yourself could be very important to control decks. A recommended pick-up wherever possible.
My (31.70)
- 3x Cursecatcher - 1.99
- 1x Fauna Shaman - 12.99
- 1x Arid Mesa - 11.99
- 2x Burrenton Forge-Tender - .75
His (52.47)
- 2x Gideon Jura - 24.99
- 1x Wall of Omens - 2.49
Net (+20.77)
Trade #6
Another recommended pick-up. With O-ring and Path gone we have no way to remove problematic creatures for good, I'm looking at you Vengevine. So with Brittle Effigy out there control decks have a way to get rid of them plus Iona and Emrakul from the Polymorph decks, in addition to that it has a CMC of 1, giant Trinket Mage target.
My (.99)
- 1x Tectonic Edge - .99
His (2.49)
- 1x Brittle Effigy - 2.49
Net (+1.50)
Trade #7
I knew all those Lodestones would come in handy. I'm trying to pick up what I think are going to be big cards come rotation. Fetches are never a bad choice and Jace is still one of the better ways to deal with.. well.. Jace.
My (27.95)
- 1x Abyssal Persecutor - 12.99
- 3x Lodestone Golem - 3.99
- 1x Nantuko Shade - 2.99
His (30.95)
- 1x Arid Mesa - 11.99
- 1x Jace Beleren - 6.99
- 1x Birds of Paradise - 4.49
- 1x Basalisk Collar - 5.99
- 1x Cancel - Promo - 1.49
Net (+3.00)
Trade #8
Yes I know this is a questionable trade but believe me I barked and haggled but could NOT get this guy to trade any additional cards for the foreign one. I know that the Chinese one is worth more on paper and is near double on online retailers but there just isn't a market here in Vegas for foreign cards. This guy happens to be one of them and I would rather have a card I can move then can't.
My (6.49)
- 1x Dragonskull Summit - Foreign - 6.49
His (3.99)
- 1x Dragonskull Summit - 3.99
Net (-2.50)
Trade #9
Again, Legacy becoming more and more popular. Stapled such as Brainstorm and Daze will never really drop in trade value especially when dealing with someone who is just getting into it for the first time. Funny thing about this trade was the guy's friend was sitting next to him the whole time basically telling him not to trade anything because he wanted to use those cards. Problem is that guy lost a ~700$ deck last week when he left it outside the shop so I'm not too sure the other guy is going to listen to him.
My (16.71)
- 1x Daze - Nemesis - 2.99
- 3x Daze - DD: JvC - 3.99
- 4x Brainstorm - Promo Reprint - 1.75
His (29.65)
- 1x All is Dust - 14.99
- 1x Stoneforge Mystic - 5.99
- 2x Thirst for Knowledge - DD: EvT - 1.25
- 1x Trinket Mage - DD: EvT - .45
- 1x Everflowing Chalace - DD: EvT - .99
- 1x Wall of Omens - 2.49
- 1x Sunpetal Grove - 3.49
Net (+12.94)
Trade #10
Finally was able to move my set of Polymorphs. What a bogus call that was to pick up sets of these come Eldrazi time.
My (3.96)
- 4x Polymorph - .99
His (6.49)
- 1x Ajani Goldmane - 6.49
Net (+2.53)
Trade #11
A trade with my friend Hitchler, nothing too exciting.
My (2.98)
- 1x Condemn - Promo - 1.99
- 1x Celestial Purge - Foil - .99
His (5.99)
- 1x Leyline of Sanctity - 5.99
Net (+3.01)
Trade #12
Another new guy to the shop I saw at FNM. He was just coming back into Magic after a hiatus and wanted some staples to be able to trade, I picked through his binder and was able to find a few cards he undervalued such as the Lich and Bolt.
My (25.96)
- 1x Sun Titan - 8.99
- 1x Stoneforge Mystic - 5.99
- 1x Basilisk Collar - 5.99
- 1x Raging Ravine - 4.99
His (37.95)
- 1x Jace Beleren - 6.99
- 1x Lavaclaw Reaches - 3.99
- 1x Obstinate Baloth - 7.99
- 1x Lightning Bolt - Promo Foil - 10.99
- 1x Phylactery Lich - Foil - 7.99
Net (+11.99)
Trade #13
A trade with B.Page. Picking up extra Effigys here just in case the price begins to rise come rotation.
My (18.96)
- 2x Jace Beleren - 6.99
- 1x Thada Adel, Acquisitor - Foil - 3.99
- 1x Thada Adel, Acquisitor - .99
His (24.94)
- 2x Brittle Effigy - 2.49
- 1x Stirring Wildwood - 3.99
- 1x Horizon Canopy - 4.99
- 1x Coralhelm Commander - 4.49
- 1x Ajani Goldmane - 6.49
- 1x US Quarter - Infinite.
Net (+5.98)
Trade #14
The Verdant below was in a slightly worse condition then "Slightly Played" so I gave him 8$ in trade on it. When trading with this guy I noticed he wouldn't care if I threw uncommons and commons into the pile but would hesitate if I attempted to throw in rares. These guys tend to be the "rare for rare" type people. They don't value dollars but the rarity on the card more. The foil Voltaic Key is worth more then the Stoneforge I was attempting to get from him but he was more akin to keeping the two-drop. So I told him to go through and throw in what he think sis fair. This is what came out of it.
My (9.99)
- 1x Verdant Catacombs - SP - 9.99
His (14.71)
- 1x Voltaic Key - Foil - 5.99
- 1x Brittle Effigy - 2.49
- 1x Everflowing Chalice - .99
- 1x Sea Gate Oracle - .25
- 1x Celestial Colonnade - 4.99
Net (+4.72)
Trade #15
So a newer player asked me how to draft and I began to explain to him how drafting goes and what signals are and what to look for when he said to me "Hey I'll just buy a box and we'll do it." So he went and purchased a box of Zendikar and we held a mock draft, I won because I had drafted that set a lot and was able to get dibs on trading for anything cool he opened. Turns out a foil Marsh Flats and regular Marsh Flats are on my cool list. Foil fetchlands will net a premium to the right person.
My (29.99)
- 1x Baneslayer Angel - 29.99
His (40.97)
- 1x Marsh Flats - 10.99
- 1x Marsh Flats - Foil - 24.99
- 1x Island - ZEN #236 Foil - 4.99
Net (+10.98)
Trade #16
Ah ye old box of random crap. So the guy who bought the box above said he had a shoebox full of old cards he didn't care too much about and wanted to know if it was worth anything. I picked through and pulled out what I thought would be worth something. He netted a playset of Stoneforge Mystics and I restocked my Legacy playables.
My (23.96)
- 4x Stoneforge Mystic - 5.99
His (51.62)
- 3x Brainstorm - Promo Reprint - 1.75
- 1x Ancestral Vision - 4.99
- 2x Swords to Plowshares - Promo Reprint - 5.99
- 1x Swords to Plowshares - 3rd - 4.99
- 1x Mortify - 1.49
- 7x Lightning Helix - 2.99
- 1x Krosan Grip - 2.99
- 1x Gaea's Blessing - 1.99
Net (+27.66)
Trade #17
Whenever I trade a card out of my binder I always keep a note to myself to try and replace that card soon as possible. So when I saw a Baneslayer sitting in a binder I went for it and was able to pull out the trade. It's always a good thing to keep track of what cards float in and out of the binder so that you know what sells fast and what collects dust that way when a big tournament rolls around you can stock up on those cards.
My (23.98)
2x Misty Rainforest - 11.99
His (34.98)
1x Baneslayer Angel - 29.99
1x Celestial Colonnade - 4.99
Net (+11.00)
Well that's all for that week, hopefully I'll have some other posts up in the upcoming week with being off from school and all. Thanks for reading.
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